After finishing my degree in fashion design, I wanted to be able to capture my creations independently of “fashion photographers” and trained as a photographer myself. For over 20 years, photography has liberated me from societal norms. Behind the lens I’m able to slow down and deliberately ignore the chaos surrounding me, break societal rules and expectations and create my own sense of order. My photographs capture partially recognizable or entirely abstract imagery revealing daily life and human emotions. My images allow the viewer room to interpret, imagine and reflect.

When my days as an educator, working with troubled young women, or the demands of navigating the world around me are too much, photography helps me to make sense of the world. It is a powerful tool for finding calm and staying connected to myself.
Today I work as a freelance photographer. I receive commissions from advertising agencies, fashion designers, journals and other sources.

Berne, Switzerland 2025

clara delarue // berne, switzerland
© 2024 Clara Delarue
Alma Forever ︎